Only computer geeks seem to know about Microsoft Service Pack2 (SP2). But this major update to the Windows XP operating system is now being distributed to PC owners via the Windows Update feature.
SP2 is a security oriented 80MB upgrade. It will prevent the automatic installation of ActiveX components (which are the leading conduits for viruses ), switch on and manage the Windows XP firewall, notify you if your antvirus software is not working, and automate the delivery of future Windows Updates. SP2 also adds a popup blocker to Internet Explorer.
Unfortunately SP2 has caused major problems on about 10% of the PC's on which it has been installed. These problems range from slowing Internet connections, hardware failures, and the disabling of some software applications.
To counter these problems, Microsoft has published a document which details the steps you should take before installing SP2. These include backing up important documents, removing spyware, and updating any existing antivirus and firewall software. Microsoft has also published a list of applications that might be impacted by SP2.
Starting in October, SP2 is being rolled out to consumers via the Windows Update. Since an 80MB upgrade would be quite onerous for dialup users, Microsoft has also made SP2 available on a free CD.
I successfully installed SP2 on a fairly new XP machine with few applications. The installation took about 75 minutes.